Selasa, 05 November 2013

Urip iku urup

A Javanese philosophy .....
One of the many Javanese philosophy guides us to the right person . However do not be surprised if it is minimal for the philosophy we can do given the very strong aurora worldly and thick envelop us .
Urip iku Urup ( Life 's flame ) has the meaning of life should membei benefit others around us , the greater benefit we provide would be better for us and for others , but no matter how small the benefit we give to others lest we be plaguing the society .
This extraordinary philosophical meaning , that we are born in this world not to stand alone , powerful and all just for ourselves, but we were born for each other , help and help others without any sense of self-interest . All religions peel it bahwasannya many humans as social beings have to one another and help to others .
Benefits that we give is like a blazing fire , the fire does not mean embers burn and destroy everything , but the fire has a meaning as a light that is always lit and illuminates every human step on the right path . Therefore we should have a value of life that always give the benefit of bright light that every step we and our brothers can walk toward the truth .
Do not our lives always make people restless , disturbing the peace because it does not fit our nature as a noble creature .
If we do something wrong it is to forget , but if the error is repeated a second time means it's a character .
Let's fill our lives with useful benefits and let's keep each step can be useful for all of us .

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