Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Essence Suro month at Java Community

Suro month as the beginning of the year , for the Java community is considered sacred months , because it is considered a holy month , month to reflect , meditate , introspect , draw closer to the divine.
How that is done is usually referred to as behavior , which control the passions with a willing heart to attain happiness hereafter world .

But if you look closely, the essence of the tradition in the month of Suro undertaken by the Java community is an attempt to find his true identity in order to always remain vigilant eling lan . Eling means should be aware of who he is
and from where sangkan paraning dumadi ' origin ' , his position as a creature of God , his duty as a human being on earth caliph both for oneself and others.

Alert , meaning must remain careful , awake , and aware of the temptations that are misleading . Because the truth is that temptation can keep away from the Creator , so as to distance themselves reach manunggaling gusti subjects ' unity and divine beings ' .

Such belief is still widely believed and embraced by most of the Java community . But modern society often views these . Suro is associated with shirk and kemusrikan understand . Such presumption arising due to lack of understanding of most people's deep meaning behind it .

It's a problem when looking at the manifestation of the act . In Sura lot of people do certain rituals as a means of introspection usually many do . There is a behavior in a way that does nenepi ' meditation for self reflection ' in sacred places such as on top of the mountain , waterfront , tombs , caves , old trees , and some are doing by way of lek - Lekan ' vigil until morning ' .

From the religious point of view , this is clearly a form of ritual syncretism . However , if we ever see these rituals within the meaning contained in it ?
Java community has awareness macrocosm . Justified in this realization that God created life in the universe covers a wide range of physical dimensions ( wadag ) and metaphysical ( supernatural ) . Two worlds interact . The interaction between the dimensions of the physical universe is a metaphysical dimension complementary interactions manifest harmony and harmony of the universe .

In addition there is another consciousness awareness macrocosm , the microcosm of consciousness . Humans are part of the microcosm . Humans as part of the microcosm has a major role in balancing the macrocosm as endowed with human reason .

Awareness of the macrocosm bring another awareness that humans are not all in the presence of the Most High , and compared to other creatures . Humans should not just because he claimed himself as the most perfect and noble creature , just as mind - budinya . Reason is a double-edged knife . On the one hand , man can attain the fullness because of his intellect . On the other hand , people can get lost as well as their minds .

Based on the two- dimensional awareness , Javanese tradition has a principle of life that is important to maintain the balance and sustainability of the universe in order to maintain the natural preservation of all time . Preserve nature embodies the highest human gratitude to Sang Hyang Murbeng dumadi .

The perspective makes the Java community has unique traditions compared with Indonesian society in general . As part of the macrocosm , human beings have a responsibility to maintain the balance of the cosmos .
The balance of the cosmos is not only limited to what can be seen by the naked human eye . Kosmos has two dimensions , namely mortal / wadag or physical , and environmental dimensions of supernatural or metaphysical .
Inner sensitivity is the key to understand and comprehend the metaphysical dimension .

Is a natural harmony of human ideals . To reach natural harmony that is , most Javanese do certain rituals . Often the wrong pass judgment because just look at the extent of the
visible and provide an assessment according to the norms or values ​​espoused . And if we want to get into it , we will find that over and above the value of our own faith . Ritual is made ​​is the crystallization of human consciousness will balance the cosmos . In rituals that were made , the values ​​contained incredible depth .

First , the basic beliefs would Sang Hyang Murbeng Universe . In carrying out the ritual , the human heart remains firm in the belief that God is all single , and still believe that God Almighty be the sole determinant of nature . Ancient Javanese people who pass those values ​​to the present course has its own vocabulary to refer to God . Although the ancient Javanese society does not have the word of God , but they have a belief in the power of outside themselves who have absolute power over human life .

Second , the value of philosophy . Rituals that were made during the month of Sura is a symbol of awareness of the macrocosm that is horizontal , ie, the human appreciation of nature . Realized that the universe is the source
human livelihood . Therefore , the cosmos must be maintained for the survival of the next generation of life or our children down . Nature conservation is the most valuable legacy for future generations . It is this value that is increasingly faded . Exploited in such a way that disrupted the natural balance : flash floods , landslides , and a variety of natural events that indicate disruption of cosmic harmony .

In Sura various ritual is a form of harmonious interaction between people and all the elements of the universe . Also realized that the man lives in the world is in the midst of the physical universe environment and metaphysical universe .

The second dimension of the universe are adjacent to each other , and the situation is very complex . Man and all God's creatures should maintain harmony in the neighboring , equally for life as God's creatures . Conversely , if the neighbor relations ( with nature ) are not in harmony , will result in destructive circumstances and detrimental to all parties . Then it should be interwoven harmony to any time should still be maintained .

There is a sublime and noble values ​​in the various forms of ritual made ​​during the month of Sura . Javanese new year invites us to ponder about the role of the human being to carry the word of the Universe Sang Hyang Murbeng to maintain the balance of nature . Natural order should be maintained for the sake of human survival itself.

Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Alon-Alon Waton klakon

This philosophy actually contains a message about safety. The ancients already hinted at the importance of this philosophy, but a lot of people harassing even lazy people regard as the nature of Java. Though eminent deep. This philosophy implies about prudence, vigilant, istiqomah, tenacity, and clear about safety. Safety issues in the modern world the most important part to the success of an inside job because there are rules that instruct avoid the risks that would happen.

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Two Major Threat in Doctrine Kejawen

In the Javanese teachings , there are two major forms of the underlying threat awareness posture ( eling lan alert ) , because it can destroy the principles of humanity , namely ; hawanepsu and disinterested . Humans should be able to dampen the passions or desires babahan up sanga . Ie control its appetites arising from the nine elements contained in man , and his unconditional release .

In the perspective of the rules of Java , the passions are feeling rough because thwart human self-control , imprison , and blind to the world physically and spiritually . Lust will weaken human waste as a source of inner strengths without any good . Furthermore , according to the rules of Java appetite will be more dangerous because the mind is able to shut . So people who indulge lust no longer obey their minds ( morality ) . Thus human beings can not develop subtle aspects , people increasingly threatening environment , conflict , tension , and damage ketrentaman destabilizing nationality


The passions ( lauwamah , anger , supiyah ) are expressed in the form of the acronym kejawen , namely the so-called M5 or malima ; opium , Madon , thieves , manganese , play ; drunkenness , womanizing , stealing , eating , gambling . To dampen appetite malima , Java man doing asceticism or " fasting " . Eg asceticism , tapa ngrame , mendhem tapa , tapa ngeli .

Asceticism ; attitude that one's actions always hold / fast passions derived from the five senses . Poor savage lust that lauwamah , anger , supiyah .

Tapa ngrame ; was a viable character for help , help others but " quiet " in the puppet strings attached lust butuhe dewe .

Tapa mendhem ; was buried lust ripple , arrogant , pompous , ostentatious , self-interest . All the vices buried deep , including " bury " good deeds we have done to others , of our own minds memories . Holy men are those who do not remember anymore what good deeds that have been done on others , on the contrary always remember all the evil that ever does.

Ngeli tapa , which immerse yourself into the flow " stream flow Essence " , which follow the will of the Supreme Wisesa Gusti . " The flow of water " belongs to God , is like a river of water flowing down the river , to the rhythm of nature , curves and winding river , which is a form of language " wisdom " of nature . Then people will come to the estuary or ocean kabegjan luck . In contrast to the " water flow " bah , which will end up fulfilling the desires of lust woe , because the flood hit wewaler etiquette rules , slammed " fishing boat " , hit " trees " , and destroy the " mainland " .


     A threat to the two strings attached to humans . Act as selfless means only the interests of the selfish self . Self-interest , ignoring the interests of others and the community . Sociologically , it messes strings attached ( chaos ) because his actions did not ignore social harmony environment. Self-interest will also destroy the self from within , kerana absolutely selfless favor their own ego ( Freud called it ; ego ) . Therefore , self-interest will limit myself or isolate themselves from the source of inner strength . In Java glasses , selfless derived from bodily lust will overcome lust sukmani ( mutmainah ) are sacred . Strings attached priority to worldly interests , thus man bound himself to the outside world so that humans no longer able to concentrate the mind in itself . Therefore also , selfless become prohibitive factor for a person to achieve " oneness " gusti subjects .

     Self-interest is like, not every one is able to identify . Sometimes people can easily interpret the strings attached , but unconsciously trapped by a subjective perspective that departs from their self-interest to justify his actions . It is important to point out Sabdalangit strings attached forms are divided into three forms of lust in Javanese perspective :

   1. Lust always wanted to be the first , namely ; lust puppet menange dhewe ; always wanted to own victory .
   2. Lust always considered himself always true ; lust doll benere dhewe .
   3. Lust is always concerned with her ??own needs ; lust doll butuhe dhewe . Such bad behavior is also known as moral hazard . For example mumpung ruling , then corruption , without caring about the fate of others who are oppressed .

To keep the rules of human remains steadfast in maintaining that the sanctity of body and soul , known in Java as the teaching of lakutama , major life behavior . Worship is a form lakutama , as was written by famous poets ( years 1811 to 1880 's) and a successful entrepreneur , a well -known because of the Queen Gung Binatara magic mandraguna , namely Gusti Mangkunegoro Wedhatama IV in the book ( the Vedas = behavior , main = all ) put forward a coherent systematic and orderly from the low to the highest level , namely chess worship ; worship raga , your worship , spirit worship , worship taste . This is similar to chess worship nafsul mutmainah ( Islam ) that is used to achieve ma'rifatullah , nggayuh Jumbuhing Gusti servant . If a person can live in a coherent chess obeisance to achieve the highest worship , surely everyone will get a great gift to man linuwih , thanks to the generosity of the Supreme Lord of Love , not depending on what religion .

Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Teachings About Good Character , Achieving True Human

Repertoire of cultural references in the literature known Javanese literature that has diverse and unique writing style . Call it for example ; book , mysticism , fiber , chronicle , which is usually not just a collection of the lines , but written with a high literary art , a song composed in verse or padha which is part of the song for example ; stanza , sinom , pickaxe , heron , etc. Asmaradhana . Structured text is an element that contains a moral message , which teaches the main characters or the author , coloring the whole content of the text .

Moral character education into the subject preferred . Moral or character here in the sense of rules that distinguish good or bad things , manners , or rules that prohibit or encourage someone in the face of natural and social environment . Source of rules is based on the beliefs , ideas , and values ??that thrive in a society that bersangktan . The Code will appear in the manifestation of the behavior and actions of members of the public .

So is the meaning of the teachings of the true Javanese , thereby adding a clear understanding of the concept of character education that characterizes the Javanese culture . It can be passed on to the younger generation in order to form a virtuous character and personality willing to forge a steadfast spirit . Description that describes the noble values ??in Javanese culture described above can open up horizons of thought and conscience of the nation that the original ancient indigenous communities have found a set of moral values ??that can be applied to raise the dignity of human life .

Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Local Wisdom is Always Suspected

Javanese teachings , in the historical development have ups and downs . It did not escape from the conflicts with theology and foreign cultures ( Dutch , Arabic , Chinese , India , Japan , U.S. ) . The loudest was a clash with foreign theology , because it is accompanied by the presence of a new confidence -building measures suggest that Javanese culture was despicable , shameful , low- dignity , even locally referred to as pagan beliefs , so it had to be abandoned even by his own master , and should be replaced with " new trust " which is considered the most precious things . Naively trust recruit new followers with certainty to heaven . The movement is very effective because it is done systematically received support from a foreign political forces who were fighting in the country .

In addition to the "newcomers " are always trying to build a bad image to the local wisdom ( read : Javanese culture ) by providing examples of social pathology ( disease community ) , social deviance , Kejawen rule violations , which occurred at that time , claimed by " newcomers " as proof of Java teaching heresy . It is the same with Islam was considered a bad example by displaying sadistic acts of terrorism , religious ministers of corruption , cheating veiled officials , clerics who knocked santrinya , etc. .

 Not stopping there, the foreign forces continue to discredit people by manipulating Java or turn back the past history . Local knowledge proofs destroyed , so that many of the manuscripts containing the teachings of manners , rules , nations noble character ( Java ) Indonesia ancient era before sainthood came , then the earth was scorched by the "newcomers " are . Java vocabulary also experienced colonialism , the terms of which must have Java meaning wise , noble , wise , and then deflected meaning according to subjective interests and perspectives tailored to the interests of "newcomers " who do not like the " local wisdom " . As a result ; terms such as ; kejawen , occult , mystical , superstitious meaning degraded , and negative connotation . The terms " in - same - meaning - it " with sin and bans religious dogma ; example ; polytheism , tuhon tuhon , slave demon , devil worship , and so on . Though not the original meaning , the term otherwise it has a deeply religious meaning as follows ;

Occult : an understanding of an event associated with the law of cause and effect with regard to supernatural powers ( metaphysical ) that no other source of supreme Essence the Most Holy God . Any religious element in the " occult " is always there .

Mystical : is a magical space or territory can be encroached upon and understood that man , as an attempt to understand the Almighty God . In Islamic mysticism space to understand the true God known as Sufism .

Superstition : is belief in supernatural matters relating to supernatural beings ciptan God . Java Man is very trusting their supernatural powers which he saw as a manifestation of the glory of God the Creator . Belief in the supernatural is also present in the pillars of Islam .

Tradition : in Javanese tradition , one can realize a prayer in the form of a symbol or symbols . Heraldry and symbols provided with means ubo rampe as complementary perfection in prayer . Emblem and symbol also means figuratively natural language as a form of Java man believed to be the will of God cue . Java man will feel closer to God when prayer is not just spoken in the mouth alone ( NATO : not action talk only) , but with manifested in the form of cone , etc. offerings as a symbol of unity of determination . Then Java man in prayer determination involves four elements namely heart , mind , speech , and action . Traditional ceremonies as a form of concern for the environment , good for the environment and the human communities that coexist occult societies , in order to align and harmony in manembah hello to God . For Java man , every gratitude and prayer must be expressed in terms of real action ( ihtiyar ) as a form of grit and determination that is believed to make a prayer answered. But the intent and meaning behind the ritual tradition is often regarded as an activity tuhon tuhon / ela - elu , origin adherents course , attitudes to waste , and kemubadiran forms , and so on.

Kejawen : contains moral norms and noble character , and shall contain procedures for men in the highest worship to God the Almighty One. However , after the 15th century Majapahit collapsed by the invasion of his own , haphazard and subjective manner , away from which wisdom and noble character , " newcomer " dogma kejawen as master of idolatry , apostasy , immorality , and infidelity . Then it must be destroyed . Ironically , Java man who had " kejawan " ilang jawane , in fact a bona fide cultural big hand in the assassination attempt this . They forget that the original culture of their ancestors that were ever brought this archipelago reaching its heyday in the Majapahit era lasted for five generations until the successor to the throne of the kingdom.

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Unspoken but efficacious

Unspoken efficacious .

This simple phrase is the key to understand the mystery of the power of prayer, prayer is like a mirror ! !
Our prayer will come true or not depends on the good deeds we have done for others . In other words, granted or failure of our prayers is a reflection of the good deeds we have done to others . If we consciously or not often injure someone then prayer for salvation will be in vain . Conversely , people who have always helped and helping others , kindness is a " prayer " all the time , life always gets ease and obtain salvation . We love and willingly donate our wealth to help the people who are right to be assisted . Further look at what will happen to us , such windfalls are endless ! The more charity , will be the more our fortune . Even before we say a prayer , God has fulfilled anything we expected . That's a sign , that our good deeds and charity for others , will be the unspoken prayer , but it really is efficacious . Like magic without magic . Do something nice for someone else , it actually acts as a prayer for our own .

In Java, there is a spiritual traditions such formula :
1 . Who likes to help and help others , then he will always have easy .
2 . Who has compassion on others , then he will be loved fellow anyway .
3 . Who likes to harm others , then his life would be wretched .
4 . Who is underestimating others like it will be underestimated a lot of people .
5 . Who likes to berate and make fun of other people , then it would be a despicable man .
6 . Anyone who likes to blame other people , is actually a weak person .
7 . Who planted " trees " goodness then he will reap the fruit of kindness .

All of that is a small sample , that the deeds we do is for our own prayer . Prayer is like a mirror , which will reveal a true picture of what we are doing . Often we see people who have power in prayer , and that strength lies in consistency in his actions . In addition , there is the power of prayer in our own sincerity . Once again this sincerity is closely related to a neutral stance in prayer , meaning we do not drive or dictate to God .

The following is a " formula " in order that we are more careful in evaluating ourselves ;
1 . Do not ever hope against hope we receive ( gift ) , if we are reluctant to give .
2 . Do not ever hope against hope will survive , if we often make others wretched .
3 . - Please do not ever expect an abundance of possessions , if we are less concerned for others .
4 . - Please do not ever expect a big advantage , if we always calculate profit and loss in the charity .
5 . Do not ever hope against hope achieve noble life , if we liked to insult others .
Five " formula " above are just some examples . Please dear readers identify themselves further formulas , which is certainly not limited in number .

Prayer will have strength ( efficacious ) , provided that we are able to combine the above four elements namely : heart , speech , thought , and deed real . On condition we did not act contrary to the contents of the prayer . On the other hand we do good deeds for others will be efficacious prayer all the time , just if , we do it with sincerity . Level with our sincerity in the morning when " discard food waste " meaningless .

Tak Terucap Namun mustajab


     Kalimat sederhana ini merupakan kata kunci memahami misteri kekuatan doadoa adalah seumpama cermin !! Doa kita akan terkabul atau tidak  tergantung dari amal kebaikan yang pernah kita lakukan terhadap sesama. Dengan kata lain terkabul atau gagalnya doa-doa kita merupakan cerminan akan amal kebaikan yang pernah kita lakukan pada orang lain. Jika kita secara sadar atau tidak sering mencelakai orang lain maka doa mohon keselamatan akan sia-sia. Sebaliknya, orang yang selalu menolong dan membantu sesama, kebaikannya sudah menjadi “doa” sepanjang waktu, hidupnya selalu mendapat kemudahan dan mendapat keselamatan. Kita gemar dan ikhlas mendermakan harta kita untuk membantu orang-orang yang memang tepat untuk dibantu. Selanjutnya cermati apa yang akan terjadi pada diri kita, rejeki seperti tidak ada habisnya! Semakin banyak beramal, akan semakin banyak pula rejeki kita. Bahkan sebelum kita mengucap doa, Tuhan sudah memenuhi apa-apa yang kita harapkan. Itulah pertanda, bahwa perbuatan dan amal kebaikan kita pada sesama, akan menjadi doa yang tak terucap, tetapi sungguh yang mustajab.  Ibarat sakti tanpa kesaktian. Kita berbuat baik pada orang lain, sesungguhnya perbuatan itu seperti doa untuk kita sendiri.
Dalam tradisi spiritual Jawa terdapat suatu rumus misalnya :
1. Siapa gemar membantu dan menolong orang lain, maka ia akan  selalu mendapatkan kemudahan.
2. Siapa yang memiliki sikap welas asih pada sesama, maka ia akan disayang sesama pula.
3. Siapa suka mencelakai sesama, maka hidupnya akan celaka.
4. Siapa suka meremehkan sesama maka ia akan diremehkan banyak orang.
5. Siapa gemar mencaci dan mengolok orang lain, maka ia akan menjadi orang hina.
6. Siapa yang gemar menyalahkan orang lain, sesungguhnya ialah orang lemah.
7. Siapa menanam “pohon” kebaikan maka ia akan menuai buah kebaikan itu.
Semua itu merupakan contoh kecil, bahwa perbuatan yang kita lakukan merupakan doa untuk kita sendiri. Doa ibarat cermin, yang akan menampakkan gambaran asli atas apa yang kita lakukan. Sering kita saksikan orang-orang yang memiliki kekuatan dalam berdoa,  dan kekuatan itu terletak pada konsistensi dalam perbuatannya. Selain itu, kekuatan doa ada pada ketulusan kita sendiri. Sekali lagi ketulusan ini berkaitan erat dengan sikap netral dalam doa, artinya kita tidak menyetir atau mendikte Tuhan.

Berikut ini merupakan “rumus” agar supaya kita lebih cermat dalam mengevaluasi diri kita sendiri;
  1. Jangan pernah berharap-harap kita menerima (anugrah), apabila kita enggan dalam memberi.
  2. Jangan pernah berharap-harap akan selamat, apabila kita sering membuat orang lain celaka.
  3. Jangan pernah berharap-harap mendapat limpahan harta, apabila kita kurang peduli terhadap sesama.
  4. Jangan pernah berharap-harap mendapat keuntungan besar, apabila kita selalu menghitung untung rugi dalam bersedekah.
  5. Jangan pernah berharap-harap meraih hidup mulia, apabila kita gemar menghina sesama.
Lima “rumus” di atas hanya sebagian contoh. Silahkan para pembaca yang budiman mengidentifikasi sendiri rumus-rumus selanjutnya, yang tentunya tiada terbatas jumlahnya.

Doa akan memiliki kekuatan (mustajab), asalkan kita mampu memadukan empat unsur di atas yakni : hati, ucapan, pikiran, dan perbuatan nyata. Dengan syarat perbuatan kita tidak bertentangan dengan isi doa. Di lain sisi amal kebaikan yang kita lakukan pada sesama akan menjadi doa mustajab sepanjang waktu, hanya jika, kita melakukannya dengan ketulusan. Setingkat dengan ketulusan kita di pagi hari saat “membuang ampas makanan” tak berarti.

Sedulur Papat Five Pancer in the Islamic views

after telling me in campusjavanese about sedulur papat campusjavanese will now explain what the heck is kaedah of sadulur papat when compared with the religion of Islam . The papat sedulur actually the angel - an angel that is in the religion of Islam . already curious ? please read the following article to completion .

After Islam came Java beliefs about the four brothers combined with 4 angels in the Islamic world is Gabriel, Michael , Isrofil , Ijro'il . And by certain Sufi teachings align with the nature of lust ke'empat namely : Lust Anger , Lawwamah , Sufiah and Mutmainah .

First Jibril or Gabriel in Hebrew means god hero function is to disseminate information , in Islam is known as a transmitter of revelation to the prophets . In Islam the concept of Java Jibril positioned on the spiritual power of the membranes . There is the view that after the death of the Prophet Muhammad Jibril automatic idle because was he who received the final revelation .

But not so in view of Java , accompanied Jibrilnya everyone . Essentially there is only one in the universe Gabriel but no light is emitted in every self . Ruh tidah like never expressed in the plural in the Quran . But every self gets puffs spirit of god and soul into the A , the B, the C Etc. .. but reflected on a mirror so seolah2 setiapm each mirror contains Ruh , and the man is actually a mirror of the self . each to receive the overflow of the overflow cahayanya.Diantara light is Gabriel who brought every person .

Gabriel will lead people to the beaten path , which had cleared him , clean the mirror , cleanse his heart . Gabriel was the one who adds to the firm and thick that one's faith . Java in the repertoire alongside Gabriel true Master , side by side with private self .

Gabriel was not able to Sidratul mengantarka Prophet himself Muntaha in Mij'raj he also told when Gabriel appeared to the apostles always presented to the other precious angels that accompanied Michael isrofil Ijroil .

Clear that when wrapping kahadiran fetal membranes was accompanied saudara2nya others . Judging from the keddudukannya earliest exit then called a brother or Kakang ( older brother ) baby. once the baby is born then it 's done amniotic physical tasks . but the spiritual amniotic exsistensi she keep the baby and lead to the end .

the extension was created after the angel Gabriel Michael . Umbilical Cord Blood and no sooner than the membrane that encloses the fetus at the uterus ( cervix )

Two to Angel Israfil . According to the hadith the angel Israfil was created after the creation of the Throne ( Throne of God ) is referred to as an angel grappler universe , he blew the trumpet Destruction And Power . He described looked up to see the schedule at the end of the world that there is Lawh Al- Mahfuz .

Israfil in sepadankan with the placenta , afterbirth or placenta , placentas are overarching objectives of the fetus to the place it was he who gave distribute food security and comfort of the fetus with the placenta in fetal life lasts .
Exsistensi Ari - ari is paralleled by an angel Israfil In fetuses born , Ari - ari accepted as a younger brother ( sister ) .

Although his body was no longer the placenta still provide protection for humans after birth . Existence of the angel Israfil created in advance of the angels Michael and Gabriel As. Israfil is believed to be Pelita Hearts For humans to keep her light , That is why most evil humans there are glimmers of light in his heart remains there its goodness if only for dust ...

The third is the Angel Michael , One of the princes of the angels are angels .. Michael is an angel duties Maintain Life . In a hadith narrated that the angel Michael the task of maintaining the growth of trees , also Human Animal life .. It was he who set up the wind and rain and split the fortune to all creatures .

At papat sedulur concept that has been adjusted with the teachings of Islam , Umbilical Cord Blood is Locus , a place holder for the angel Michael he is a lifeline for life manusia.Zat nutrients , oxygen and substances that need to be disposed of so as not to poison the fetus fetus . Subhanallah .. He had arranged a human life in the womb through angels angels .

Michael is viewed as the Javanese people who give you food, clothing and shelter , if a person invoking the protection god then Michael would keep the law to protect it .

Fourth is the Angel Ijroil . Angel of Death is believed to be responsible for the death . Human presence is greatly feared .. If death has arrived then he would humans Mercy Me timely manner .

In the concept of the Angel of Death sedulur papat Human brother turns himself instead of someone else , and he would not violate his duty if a person has not reached his end he will not mewafatkannya .. He is present to alleviate human suffering , to protect certainly true brothers are always concerned when on the right . Imagine if the man can not die but suffer life .. ? what is not torture .. ? imagine if there are people who want to die aja hard not to play .. Nauzubillah ..

Ijroil referred to as the power of God that resides in the Blood , In daily life Ijroil duty to keep a pure heart , if the heart awake sanctity of life then fear of suffering and death will be no more .

If death had reached the other angels Ijroil organize , organize your other brother to end his life . Permana which gives strength to the soul lifted out of the body , so the body can no longer be controlled by the soul . Ruh our subsistence off .. body became limp and helpless shellac is a common form of death for man .. loh kok .. so yaa ? Well that is not common yaaa .. The True Self when man is capable of leading the brothers to release the human spirit to nature Invisibility . Thus people have mempu properly for death , he tells his relatives and when death will come .

All this magic you 've become one with our body , when in the womb on their own form. but when the baby is born there is only one manifestation . Four sisters remain with us in the form of Spirit and The Invisible .

There is a quote verse in the Quran that need to see .
" In Kullu nafsin lamma alayha hafizh " > ' Every self is necessarily a guard ' or ' wa huwa al - Qahir fawq iba'dih alaykum wa Yusril hafazhah idza hatta al - mawt ja'a ahadakum tawaffathu rusuluna wahum la yufarrithun " > ' he who authority over his household . And he sent it to you - guard guard to protect you . If someone 's time to die , then our delegates was mewafatkannya no wrong "

Symbolization Sedulur Papat Limo Pancer in Puppets
Semar as Sapta Arga descent pamomong not alone . He was accompanied by his three children , namely ; Gareng , Petruk , Bagong . The fourth man named Panakawan . Can be seen , almost at every shadow puppet performances prototype , will appear a knight Saptaarga descent followed by Semar , Gareng , Petruk , Bagong . Dipagelarkan story whatever , into five figures occupy an important position . They story begins from a monastery or hermitage Saptaarga other . After obtaining a wide range of knowledge and advices from the Begawan , they went down the mountain to the science that has been obtained , by doing penance ngrame . ( help with no strings attached ) .

It is said , the trip to the four knights and his servant entered the forest . This illustrates that the knights began to enter the field of life who have never known , dark , full of shrubs , many wild animals , evil creatures who are ready to block it , even if negligent could threaten his life . But in the end the Knights , Semar , Gareng , Petruk , Bagong managed to pluck victory by defeating giant herd , so it worked out forest safely . Outside the forest , obstacles still facing , always threatening danger . Thanks Semar and his sons , the Knights can get rid of all obstacles and successfully completed his task safely .

Why is the role of Semar and his sons, to determine the success of a life ? Semar is a picture of a participating organization of the divine in human life proceeds . To further clarify the role of Semar , the Semar comes with three other figures . To four panakawan is a symbol of creativity, taste , intention and work . Semar has a prominent feature of the white tuft . White tuft on the head as a symbol of the mind , a clear idea or copyrights . Gareng have prominent features that kero -eyed , handed legged throbbing pain and limping . Into three physical disabilities symbolize taste . Squint eyes , is a sense of awareness , a sense of precision hand is throbbing pain and limping legs is a sense of prudence . Petruk is a symbol of the will , desire , intention is depicted in her hands . When actuated , the arms like two people who work well together . Hand pointing forward , choose what you want, hands clutched behind what has been selected . While the work of Bagong symbolized by the two hands of the fifth finger wide open , meaning that is always willing to work hard .

Copyright , taste , Karsa and the work is a unity that can not be separated . Creativity, taste , intention and the work is in an area called the personal or human identity , symbolized Knight figures .
Picture of the ideal man is a picture of the whole human person , where creativity, taste , intention and the work can occupy their functions harmoniously , to then walk over to the lofty ideals . It thus becomes clear that between the Knights and panakawan significant relationship . Knight character will succeed in life and achieve the ideals if constituted a clear mind ( copyright ) , sincere heart ( feeling ) , will , determination ( intention ) and willing to work hard ( work ) .
Knight and his servant symbolize four , similar to the ' ngelmu ' sedulur papat five pancer . Sedulur papat is panakawan , five pancer is ksatriya .

Sedulur Papat Lima Pancer dalam Pandangan Islam

setelah sebelumnya saya di dalam campusjavanese menceritakan tentang sedulur papat kini campusjavanese akan memaparkan apa sih kaedah dari sadulur papat tersebut jika di sandingkan dengan agama islam. sebenarnya sedulur papat tersebut sama dengan malaikat - malaikat yang ada di agama islam. sudah penasarankah? silahkan baca artikel di bawah ini sampai tuntas.

Setelah Islam masuk Pulau Jawa kepercayaan tentang saudara empat ini dipadukan dengan 4 malaikat di dunia Islam yaitu Jibril, Mikail , Isrofil, Ijro'il. Dan oleh ajaran sufi tertentu di sejajarkan dengan ke'empat sifat nafsu yaitu: Nafsu Amarah, Lawwamah, Sufiah dan Mutmainah.

Pertama Jibril atau dalam bahasa ibrani Gabriel artinya pahlawan tuhan fungsinya adalah penyampai informasi, didalam islam dikenal sebagai penyampai wahyu pada para nabi. Dalam konsep islam Jawa Jibril diposisikan pada kekuatan spiritual pada KETUBAN. Ada pandangan yang menyatakan setelah Nabi Muhammad wafat maka otomatis Jibril menganggur karena beliaulah orang yang menerima wahyu terakhir.

Tapi tidak demikian dalam pandangan Jawa, setiap orang di sertai Jibrilnya. Hakikatnya hanya ada satu Jibril di alam raya ini tapi pancaran cahayanya ada dalam setiap diri. seperti Ruh tidah pernah dinyatakan dalam bentuk jamak didalam Al-Quran. Tetapi setiap diri mendapat tiupan ruh dari tuhan dan ruh tersebut menjadi si A, si B, si C Dst.. satu tetapi terpantul pada setiap cermin sehingga seolah2 setiapm cermin mengandung Ruh, dan manusia sebenarnya adalah cermin bagi sang diri. setiap diri menerima limpahan cahayanya.Diantara limpahan cahayanya adalah Jibril yang menuntun setiap orang.

Jibril akan menuntun manusia kejalan yang benar, yang telah membersihkan dirinya, membersihkan cerminnya, membersihkan hatinya. Jibril lah yang menambah daya agar teguh dan tebal keimanan seseorang. dalam khasanah jawa Jibril berdampingan dengan Guru sejati, bersanding dengan diri Pribadi.

Jibril tidak mampu mengantarka diri Nabi ke Sidratul Muntaha dalam Mij'raj beliau juga diceritakan ketika Jibril menampakan diri kehadapan rasul selalu ditemani malaikat mulia lainnya yaitu Mikail isrofil Ijroil.

Jelas kiranya bahwa kahadiran ketuban ketika membungkus janin ternyata disertai saudara2nya yang lain. Ditinjau dari keddudukannya yang keluar paling awal maka disebut sebagai kakak atau kakang (saudara tua ) si bayi. begitu bayi lahir maka selesailah sudah tugas ketuban secara fisik. tetapi exsistensi ketuban secara ruhaniah ia tetap menjaga dan membimbing bayi tersebut sampai akhir hayat.

secara extensi Jibril diciptakan setelah malaikat Mikail. dan Tali Pusar ada lebih dulu dari pada selaput yang membungkus janin di pintu rahim (cervix)

Ke Dua Malaikat Israfil. Menurut hadis malaikat Israfil diciptakan setelah penciptaan Arsy ( Singgasana Tuhan ) disebut sebagai malaikat penggenggam alam semesta, ia meniup Terompet Pemusnahan Dan Pembangkitan. Ia digambarkan menengadah ke atas untuk melihat jadwal kiamat yang ada di Lawh Al Mahfuzh.

Israfil di sepadankan dengan ari-ari, tembuni atau Placenta, Ari-Ari adalah yang memayungi sang janin sampai ketempat tujuan dialah yang memberikan keamanan menyalurkan makanan dan kenyamanan pada janin dengan ari-ari ini kehidupan berlangsung dalam janin.
Exsistensi Ari-ari ini disejajarkan dengan malaikat Israfil Dalam kelahiran janin, Ari-ari diterima sebagai saudara muda (adik).

Meskipun jasadnya telah tak ada lagi ari-ari tetap memberikan perlindungan bagi manusia setelah dilahirkan. Dari sisi keberadaanya malaikat Israfil dicipta terlebih dahulu dari pada malaikat Mikail dan Jibril As. Israfil diyakini sebagai Pelita Hati Bagi manusia agar hatinya tetap terang, Itulah sebabnya sejahat-jahatnya manusia masih ada secercah cahaya dalam hatinya tetap ada kebaikan yang dimilikinya meski hanya sebesar debu...

Yang ketiga adalah Malaikat Mikail, Salah satu malaikat yang menjadi pembesar para malaikat.. Tugas malaikat Mikail adalah Memelihara Kehidupan. Dalam hadis diceritakan bahwa malaikat Mikail mengemban tugas memelihara pertumbuhan pepohonan, kehidupan Hewan juga Manusia.. Dialah yang mengatur angin dan hujan dan membagi rejeki pada seluruh mahluk.

Pada konsep sedulur papat yang sudah di sesuaikan dengan ajaran Islam, Tali Pusar merupakan Lokus, tempat dudukan bagi malaikat Mikail dia merupakan tali penghubung bagi kehidupan manusia.Zat zat makanan, Oksigen dan Zat yang perlu dibuang dari tubuh janin agar tidak meracuni tubuh janin. Subhanallah.. Dia telah mengatur kehidupan manusia dalam rahim melalui malaikat malaikatnya.

Mikail dipandang orang jawa sebagai saudara yang memberikan sandang, pangan dan papan, Jika seseorang memohon perlindungan tuhan maka Mikail yang akan menjalankan perintah Tuhan untuk melindunginya.

Ke Empat adalah Malaikat Ijroil. Malaikat Maut yang dipercaya sebagai yang bertanggung jawab akan Kematian. Kehadirannya amat ditakuti Manusia.. Jika ajal telah tiba maka ia akan Me wafatkan manusia sesuai waktunya.

Dalam konsep sedulur papat Malaikat maut ini ternyata saudara Manusia sendiri bukan orang lain dan ia tidak akan menyalahi tugasnya bila seseorang belum sampai ajalnya dia tak akan mewafatkannya.. Dia hadir untuk meringankan penderitaan manusia, saudara sejati pasti melindungi bila yang bersangkutan selalu dijalan yang benar. Bayangkan bila manusia tidak bisa mati tetapi hidupnya menderita..? apa tidak tersiksa..? bayangkan bila ada orang yang mau mati aja sulitnya bukan main.. Nauzubillah..

Ijroil disebut sebagai kekuatan Tuhan yang berada didalam Darah, Dalam kehidupan sehari hari Ijroil bertugas untuk menjaga hati yang suci, Jika hati terjaga kesuciannya maka ketakutan akan hidup menderita dan kematian akan tak ada lagi.

Jika ajal telah sampai maka Ijroil mengorganisasi malaikat lainnya, mengorganisasi saudara saudara lainnya untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Permana yang memberikan kekuatan pada sang Jiwa diangkat keluar tubuh, sehingga tubuh tak dapat lagi dikendalikan oleh jiwa. Ruh penyambung hidup kita lepas.. tubuh menjadi lunglai lak berdaya dan ini bentuk umum kematian bagi manusia.. loh kok gitu yaa..? Nah yang tidak umum yaaa.. bila Sang Diri Sejati manusia mampu memimpin saudara-saudaranya untuk melepaskan Jiwa manusia kealam Gaib. Orang demikian sudah mempu menyongsong kematiannya dengan benar, dia memberitahukan pada sanak dan saudaranya kapan kematiannya akan datang.

Semua saudara gaib ini sudah menjadi satu dengan tubuh kita, ketika dalam rahim sendiri-sendiri wujudnya. tapi ketika sang Bayi sudah lahir hanya ada satu wujud. Empat saudara kita tetap menyertai kita dalam wujud Ruh dan Tidak Kasat Mata.

Ada kutipan Ayat dalam Al-Quran yang perlu di simak.
" In Kullu nafsin lamma alayha hafizh" > 'Setiap diri niscaya ada penjaganya' Atau "Wa huwa al-qahir fawq iba'dih wa yusril alaykum hafazhah hatta idza ja'a ahadakum al-mawt tawaffathu rusuluna wahum la yufarrithun" >' Dialah yang berkuasa atas semua hambanya. Dan dia mengutus kepada kalian Penjaga-Penjaga untuk melindungimu. Jika seseorang sudah waktunya mati, maka utusan-utusan kami itu mewafatkannya tanpa keliru"

Simbolisasi Sedulur Papat Limo Pancer dalam Pewayangan
Semar sebagai pamomong keturunan Sapta Arga tidak sendirian. Ia ditemani oleh tiga anaknya, yaitu; Gareng, Petruk, Bagong. Ke empat abdi tersebut dinamakan Panakawan. Dapat disaksikan, hampir pada setiap pegelaran wayang kulit purwa, akan muncul seorang ksatria keturunan Saptaarga diikuti oleh Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong. Cerita apa pun yang dipagelarkan, ke lima tokoh ini menduduki posisi penting. Kisah Mereka diawali mulai dari sebuah pertapaan Saptaarga atau pertapaan lainnya. Setelah mendapat berbagai macam ilmu dan nasihat-nasihat dari Sang Begawan, mereka turun gunung untuk mengamalkan ilmu yang telah diperoleh, dengan melakukan tapa ngrame. (menolong tanpa pamrih).

Dikisahkan, perjalanan sang Ksatria dan ke empat abdinya memasuki hutan. Ini menggambarkan bahwa sang ksatria mulai memasuki medan kehidupan yang belum pernah dikenal, gelap, penuh semak belukar, banyak binatang buas, makhluk jahat yang siap menghadangnya, bahkan jika lengah dapat mengacam jiwanya. Namun pada akhirnya Ksatria, Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong berhasil memetik kemenangan dengan mengalahkan kawanan Raksasa, sehingga berhasil keluar hutan dengan selamat. Di luar hutan, rintangan masih menghadang, bahaya senantiasa mengancam. Berkat Semar dan anak-anaknya, sang Ksatria dapat menyingkirkan segala penghalang dan berhasil menyelesaikan tugas hidupnya dengan selamat.

Mengapa peranan Semar dan anak-anaknya sangat menentukan keberhasilan suatu kehidupan? Semar merupakan gambaran penyelenggaraan Illahi yang ikut berproses dalam kehidupan manusia. Untuk lebih memperjelas peranan Semar, maka tokoh Semar dilengkapi dengan tiga tokoh lainnya. Ke empat panakawan tersebut merupakan simbol dari cipta, rasa, karsa dan karya. Semar mempunyai ciri menonjol yaitu kuncung putih. Kuncung putih di kepala sebagai simbol dari pikiran, gagasan yang jernih atau cipta. Gareng mempunyai ciri yang menonjol yaitu bermata kero, bertangan cekot dan berkaki pincang. Ke tiga cacat fisik tersebut menyimbolkan rasa. Mata kero, adalah rasa kewaspadaan, tangan cekot adalah rasa ketelitian dan kaki pincang adalah rasa kehati-hatian. Petruk adalah simbol dari kehendak, keinginan, karsa yang digambarkan dalam kedua tangannya. Jika digerakkan, kedua tangan tersebut bagaikan kedua orang yang bekerjasama dengan baik. Tangan depan menunjuk, memilih apa yang dikehendaki, tangan belakang menggenggam erat-erat apa yang telah dipilih. Sedangkan karya disimbolkan Bagong dengan dua tangan yang kelima jarinya terbuka lebar, artinya selalu bersedia bekerja keras.

Cipta, Rasa, Karsa dan karya merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Cipta, rasa, karsa dan karya berada dalam satu wilayah yang bernama pribadi atau jati diri manusia, disimbolkan tokoh Ksatria.
Gambaran manusia ideal adalah merupakan gambaran pribadi manusia yang utuh, dimana cipta, rasa, karsa dan karya dapat menempati fungsinya masing-masing dengan harmonis, untuk kemudian berjalan seiring menuju cita-cita yang luhur. Dengan demikian menjadi jelas bahwa antara Ksatria dan panakawan mempunyai hubungan signifikan. Tokoh ksatria akan berhasil dalam hidupnya dan mencapai cita-cita ideal jika didasari sebuah pikiran jernih (cipta), hati tulus (rasa), kehendak, tekad bulat (karsa) dan mau bekerja keras (karya).
Simbolisasi ksatria dan empat abdinya, serupa dengan 'ngelmu' sedulur papat lima pancer. Sedulur papat adalah panakawan, lima pancer adalah ksatriya.