Rabu, 13 November 2013


Petruk time to be king , many people laughed at him . According to many people , Petruk dadi drama queen is just a dream , reverie people play a subordinate who can not fix things . How could the poor and the ignorant become wealthy and wise king ? There is also that , the play is pasemon ( satire ) about puppy munggah Mbale ( tramp who became rich and delirious ) . Others scoff again , the play is a farce to entertain the poor . And some argue , it is the story of the queen Petruk dadi moral hazard ( accidental ) , in which the poor use opportunistic fashion . they did not understand all the puppets . They think puppets are wadag ( physically ) . "No wonder , if they consider me , little slave and the poor , using the opportunity , berpestaria be king . Petruk dadi lakonnya the queen was not so foolish king , or a little person beraji lakonnya mumpung , but the play mencoke revelation marang subjects ( perching revelation the people themselves ) , "says Petruk
Once upon a time , his master , Abhimanyu sick . Abhimanyu is the mediator , who will inherit Dampar ( throne ) Palasara , founder Astina , to Parikshit , son . Along with the pain , go its third revelation , the revelation Maningrat , which spread the seeds keratuan , Cakraningrat revelation , which maintain its existence as a queen , and the revelation Widayat , which preserve life as queen .

The third revelation was then rested on self Petruk . He was finally able to become the king of the country which he named Lojitengara . He dubbed himself King Wel - Geduwel Beh ! . To staunchly became king , it turns out he needs Dampar kingdom of Astina , Palasara heritage . Petruk commanded both his assistance , Bayutinaya Anoman bead and bead Wisandhanu Wisanggeni , son Arjuna - , to steal the throne Palasara .

The two envoys took home the throne . Wel - geduwel Beh King tried to sit on it . Once seated , he was toppled. He tried again repeatedly . The King finally gave up and gained royal advisers that whispers through so as not toppled , he had to obtain the dolls that can dililing ( seen and cuddled ) . Petruk sent two emissaries returned , Bayutinaya and Wisandhanu to figure doll in question . Without obtaining significant hurdles , second messengers managed to bring the doll that nobody else is ailing Abhimanyu .

When King Wel - Geduwel lap Beh , Abhimanyu healed . And Abhimanyu said , " You can not occupy the throne , if you do not assume I am " . " At that moment I understood , that I was just a servant . And I realized , I would still stay as a servant , I can not possible to sit as king . Task I just assume the king , so that he could occupy his throne . Lord Abhimanyu can sit on the throne king because my lap . So the king can not be a king , if not lap subjects , ordinary people like me , "says Petruk looking at the flat ground in front of him .

First Petruk not know , why these three revelations that his master and left her perch . Now he understood , the actual revelation of just going for a while . He went only to nitik , look who assume people who kedunungan ( infestation ) revelation . Revelation was not home perch . He will descend at the proper infestation , and it's a decent person should be someone who lap Petruk , the people and the subjects of this . So after knowing that Petruklah who took Abhimanyu , revelations and even then stops dripping and three back kapada Abhimanyu .

In front of the flat land , Petruk mind drifted again . He was sad for the death of Abhimanyu in the Bharata Yudha War . Abhimanyu Petruklah are cradling the dead body . Petruk is also a burning corpse Mokshaya Abhimanyu towards nature . " I was just folk . Matter how vile I am, only I can deliver the King towards the perfection of nature . Till to Moksha else , it depends on the subjects of the king . Only the people who can enhance the king's life , even when he is dealing with the afterlife " , Petruk said .

" Indeed, the servant , the people there all the time . While the king was not forever . He reigns only in a certain period . When that time passed , he should go down or perish . While people continue to exist . Proof, I was there at all times . Being a clown- servant who accompanied authorities from time to time , to this day . subjects without wates iku ana , queen might winates kuwi Anane ( the people that there is no limit , while the king was there on a limited basis ) , "says Petruk .

Petruk increasingly realize , who the people are. Just the people who can help authorities to write its history . " So the authorities should appreciate the subject . Authority must make sacrifices for the sake of the subject , not even ngrayah uripe subjects ( loot the people live ) . Kwasa iku ana lelabuhane kudu ( the representative must be willing to sacrifice ) . Authorization was even just a means for lelabuhan , although he still power, he will not be petung ( considered ) by the people . Raja was not king anymore , when it left subjects . Anyone who can lap , so that he could occupy the throne , if not the people ? King who did not lap the people is the king of the koncatan ( left ) revelation , "says Petruk .

But Ki Petruk , why many rulers who do not pay attention to subjects , trampled on and insulted subjects , yet still be able to sit on his throne ? " In a puppet ruler who does not even exist rests with people like me . Dasamuka He was a tyrant . Duryudana He was greedy . Just as there is only one throne Palasara , so there is only one throne folk . Duryudana power , but never succeeded to the throne Palasara . many rulers in power , but they actually are not actual Dampar reigns , namely Dampar these people " , said Petruk .

Petruk suddenly heard , flat land in front of it humming . Getting louder and louder even be humming Panitisastra : first it was a dense forest land which bersinga . Lion says , that he would look after the forest was cleared by the human will . Forest and say , if not kunaungi lion and go from me , surely he will be caught by humans . Finally lion and forest alike perish . Non-forested lions killed humans , forests cleared bersinga not human ....

" The king and the people must wengku - winengku ( each lap ) , embrace - embracing , such as lions and forests , like Abhimanyu and Petruk ," said Ki Petruk Panitisastra humming song .

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