Kamis, 07 November 2013

Sugih tanpa bandha, Digdaya tanpa aji, Nglurug tanpa bala, Menang tanpa ngasorake

1 . Sugih tanpa bandha ( rich without possessions )

The word " wealthy " are usually always associated with the number of properties owned by a person . The word " wealthy " in this expression leads to the concept of inner wealth . A person should not wait for the rich to be able to give something to others . When you needed a lot of people , actually inwardly you are already a wealthy man . When your presence means a lot to other people (meaningful presence) at the time you are supposed to feel grateful for the gift God has given " excess " so you have the opportunity to " nandur kabecikan " ( plant goodness ) .

2 . Digdaya tanpa aji ( Milky without spell / miracle science )

Digdaya means does not work any kind of weapon . Aji it could be a spell or object ( kris , agate , amber Wesi mace , etc. . ) Digdaya inwardly when we do not have enemies , never hurt people , Ghent salira and tolerance . Weapon in the arsenal we are " tresna true " ( true love ) that makes other people do not have a reason to hate , let alone attacking us . Tresna impartial and true nature of all beings entitled " tresna true " that we have. " Tresna true " will make us a free people who reach tentrem ( peacefully ) , calm ( not disturbed ) and lerem ( precipitate mind ) .

3 . Nglurug tanpa bala (Forward war without troops )

Life is like a perpetual war , not physically but inwardly . A knight will not be afraid of blind forces ( giant ) as much as anything . That at least is depicted in the puppet on the flower of war . Are you working in a corrupt environment like ? That's where the battle took place . Your enemy is not your colleagues / boss you are corrupt , but our biggest enemy is our own lust . Show on your environment , that you are happy with the meal of your official salary . Do not ever complain when you are short of money . Do not be arrogant spirit, which shows you the most sacred of them all . Sincerity and the sincerity of your heart will never produce the results you Think how devastating impact .

4 . menang tanpa Ngasorake ( winning without degrading someone else )

Do you ever think , that life is a competition . We must always stand on " benering right" ( the real truth ) . Get used to dialogue with our conscience , in Heneng ( calm ) and silence ( empty mind ) we allow God to speak of either bad law , should not be , the noble ignoble etc. . make it a habit to listen to His voice . Our mind sometimes " ngapusi " ( cheat ) . Get used to pray midnight ( pk. 00.00 ) according to your religion . Keeping every word is also a powerful weapon .

Never prop or hinder others to obtain their dreams , but instead you have to actively help others to get his wish . Achievement of ideals satisfying only their physical , but beat jealousy, envy , arrogance etc. . is the true victory . Such a victory is a victory without defeat others .

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