Senin, 11 November 2013

Female figure in the puppet

If we talk about women's issues will be faithful is not separated from Dewi Sinta is known as a faithful wife as well as fighters . Dare to follow her husband , without any comments she joined her husband left the throne of Ayodya unlawful because of the promise of the law to her husband 's stepmother . His loyalty is tested when Ravana kidnapped for several years , proven to be burned . It's timeless love for the fire burned . Ramayana story may seem " more romantic " than Mahabratha story , where the Rama - Sita made ​​the center of the story , so that the statue of the couple who contrived mostly Rama - Sinta defeated Arjuna that if used as a statue , her partner could be 14 , hehehehehhe . Sita Rama tried to take over the battle of life and death aided by the leadership of Sugriva and Anoman apes . After the win , all of dubious loyalty Sprott , they do not know that God protects Sprott also . Prayer of the faithful wife who only prays every day for her husband would have heard God , why could not touch Sinta Ravana .

Yes , the story of the Ramayana war ended with Sprott after terujinya loyalty through a burning fire . Possible from the story above we then ask , OK lah Shinta faithful woman , but where or when she became the mother warrior ? The answer is after him and Rama , her husband returned to the king in Ayodya . He always fought against " disloyalty image / impurity " against him . Yes , a few years after the golden era to Rama in Ayodya , a coming disaster . Drought , people dying and starving . Wanted to various reasons , until the suspicion of impurity Sprott when Ravana abducted . Finally because of coercion , Rama Sinta throw in a state that contains a . This is where he fought as a mother , raising two twins in order to gain their rights as an heir to the Ayodya . Finally some reason , Sprott clipped off the earth .

Goddess Anggraheni maybe a little story about him . But his loyalty tested when he estimated Arjuna ( Children seizure Millions Miss ) . But at that time was married to Goddess Anggraheni Bambang Ekalaya or Palguna , a small king . Compared with Arjuna , Palguna should lose any . But Goddess Anggraheni remained faithful , he refused to meet with Arjuna , which is increasingly out of line , feel deserve the best the world even though she told me so . But Arjuna main fault is that he considers the " easy " woman. Eventually he got beat by Palguna , which has a tremendous skill in archery , surpassing Arjuna . Palguna is an unofficial student Drona , a prominent champion of the magic though . He learned from the Master statue , the statue presumes to give guidance to him , until he got a ring that allows him Mustika Ampal archery with two thumbs or 6 fingers on one hand . Arjuna is certain to lose .

But Drona promises one thing to Arjuna , Arjuna makes the most powerful figures in archery . Drona eventually cheat Palguna to give Mustika Ampal ring on his thumb . He took the ring which means he died . Oh well ... because student services and the student wishes to be Bagawan eventually he would die . Sukmanya perk to Drestajumena , a royal Senopati Pancala which will kill Drona in Baratha Yudha . Drona gave it to Arjuna gems ring . The demise of the Goddess come Palguna make starch defense . He died two pair. Indeed, we can say judging her story unfair , too won Arjuna . Hehehe ... that's Mahabaratha , any story mesthi Pandavas won and true . But loyalty tested to death by his wife , the temptation of the man who called the universe lelananging lancuring bawana ( Arjuna ) is nothing , compared to join her husband dead .

Sukesi goddess of a woman who may not really " good " when viewed from the point of faithful women or " good " , but certainly he is a warrior 's wife . She was daughter of the king of Lanka , intelligent , beautiful and thirst for knowledge again . He sets high requirements for her future husband , which should be able to beat Jambungmangli uncle and heavier again , can teach science Jendra Hayuning Diyu Literature , an extremely powerful because forbidden science , likened to a giant study it could turn into a man , or a man has no need god again . Danaraja , Lokapala king asked his father , Wisrawa , a primary and a receipt for the powerful memboyongkan Sukesi . Wisrawa can beat Jambungmangli , well when he taught the science of Literature Jendra , the world shakes , the god of panic , the natural world and heaven fuss kayak would be a tsunami . Come down and Goddess Guru Bathara Umi , into the body of the sage and Sukesi , there was a teacher-student relationship that turned into a husband-wife relationship . Yes , that's a mistake Sukesi drunk to forget science degree as a woman , or a mistake that still drunk Wisrawa cute face . Not only that , Ravana or Dasamuka born man who only works to satisfy his lust , magic and can not die because it has Pancasona . Then the birth is also Sapakenaka , giant woman who also lived for his lust . But whether the story would end there ?

Wisrawa are men of skill when it figures , Sukesi is a beautiful princess , intelligent and virtuous . The birth of two giant likened them by swinging the slide evidence tunable lust . But as time goes by they realize and improve themselves . Kumbakarna third child was born , a good man but unfortunately his form giant , just a pity " too irresolute to the truth " . New at fourth child was born Wibisana Gunawan , one that will bring in the golden era of Lanka , in peace and prosperity with the help of Rama .

This story is often described as the process of human beings to improve themselves . Depictions of children Wisrawa - Sukesi ranging from giant figure insolence , until a handsome knight is a depiction of the struggle Sukesi to get a good kid , and improve themselves . Hehehehhe .. just a story . When viewed from the story Wibisana Kumbhakarna and Gunawan in response to a war against Rama would be more exciting again . Kumbakarna chose to defend the State against Rama , override the values ​​of truth , even though she was trying to remind his brother . Gunawan Wibisana with crossing into camp Rama , select " truth " set aside your relationship and ground - water . To be sure , the story Kumbakarna difficult to enter heaven because of doubts about the truth .

Supraba Goddess is one of the seven angels who were assigned tempting when Arjuna meditated in the mountains Indrakila , before getting Pasopati of Bethara Indra . Yes , one of the high quality of his agent of the Gods . The flashy nymphs despite its name , is still " only " as a sweetener wayang story , hehehhehe .. Finally with arrows Pasopati Arjuna managed to defeat one enemy god Supraba assisted by an angel of the elite , and will get the Goddess Supraba as wife . What Supraba answer ? He refused , and protested the decision . He is the only angel who refused dedicated to human heroes . Indeed they ( Arjuna - Supraba ) became husband and wife , but the story is not so . Love grew out of a relationship of equals of men and women , rather than men " love " women . During this beautiful angel is just the name alone , as bad luck , guns can choose which is best for her story . Yes , Arjuna could receive . Although few moments later , she was officially apply and be Supraba their spouses .

The story above is just a handful of women within wayang story addition to thousands of stories of struggle of the figure whose name , woman or mother . Beloved figure , not only because one of them is us , our mother , our sister , but because it is they who make the world go round .

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