Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Daughter of the King of Yogyakarta cleansing ceremony

Sindonews.com - grand wedding procession spray fourth daughter of Sultan HB X , GKR Hayu with KPH Notonegoro take solemn . The procession was delayed approximately 50 minutes . However , the bride and groom managed to undergo the ritual.

Water used to spray , derived from seven springs that exist in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta Palace . The seven springs it is a tradional Ward sekar Kedhaton , Dalem Regol Manikhantoyo , Dalem Ward Sweet , Regol Dalem Gate , Dalem Regol Kasatriyan , Dalem Kasatriyan Kilen , and Gadri Kagungan Kasatriyan Dalem .

Chairman of the Organizing Committee at the Wedding Procession Keraton Yogyakarta Sultanate KRT Yuda said , the fountain symbolizes the seven directions . " The bride and groom in later life get guidance and help from God , " he said to reporters , Monday ( 10/21/2013 ) .

Seven springs before the bride poured setaman sprinkled flower . GKR Hemas is first flushed to the bride . After the throw water , GKR Hemas Mangir incised into the body with a variety of colors Hayu GKR .

The color yellow symbolizes glory , blue symbolizes the power of the soul , white symbolizes pure and unseen . Spray then performed elder palace which is also the brother of Sultan HB X , BGRAy Murdokusumo . Brother Sultan HB X , Bray Purboyo also do spray to GKR Hayu . People who do spray is always an odd number .

Yudho Hadiningrat added , people who do spray is always an odd number as a form of recognition and sign any shortcomings . " It's a symbol that we acknowledge any shortcomings , " he added .

Last procession of the water spray is giving klenthing . Water for ablution of Nyai Kangjeng Raden penghoeloe Dipodinigrat to GKR Hayu . Klenthing then solved by GKR Hemas that the prestige or the charm out of the bride .

GBRAy Murdokusumo said , broke broke klenthing as a symbol of prestige , the release of the charm of the bride . Expected bride more beautiful and manglingi . " To be more beautiful and makes everyone do not know because it was so beautiful , " he said .

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