Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Unspoken but efficacious

Unspoken efficacious .

This simple phrase is the key to understand the mystery of the power of prayer, prayer is like a mirror ! !
Our prayer will come true or not depends on the good deeds we have done for others . In other words, granted or failure of our prayers is a reflection of the good deeds we have done to others . If we consciously or not often injure someone then prayer for salvation will be in vain . Conversely , people who have always helped and helping others , kindness is a " prayer " all the time , life always gets ease and obtain salvation . We love and willingly donate our wealth to help the people who are right to be assisted . Further look at what will happen to us , such windfalls are endless ! The more charity , will be the more our fortune . Even before we say a prayer , God has fulfilled anything we expected . That's a sign , that our good deeds and charity for others , will be the unspoken prayer , but it really is efficacious . Like magic without magic . Do something nice for someone else , it actually acts as a prayer for our own .

In Java, there is a spiritual traditions such formula :
1 . Who likes to help and help others , then he will always have easy .
2 . Who has compassion on others , then he will be loved fellow anyway .
3 . Who likes to harm others , then his life would be wretched .
4 . Who is underestimating others like it will be underestimated a lot of people .
5 . Who likes to berate and make fun of other people , then it would be a despicable man .
6 . Anyone who likes to blame other people , is actually a weak person .
7 . Who planted " trees " goodness then he will reap the fruit of kindness .

All of that is a small sample , that the deeds we do is for our own prayer . Prayer is like a mirror , which will reveal a true picture of what we are doing . Often we see people who have power in prayer , and that strength lies in consistency in his actions . In addition , there is the power of prayer in our own sincerity . Once again this sincerity is closely related to a neutral stance in prayer , meaning we do not drive or dictate to God .

The following is a " formula " in order that we are more careful in evaluating ourselves ;
1 . Do not ever hope against hope we receive ( gift ) , if we are reluctant to give .
2 . Do not ever hope against hope will survive , if we often make others wretched .
3 . - Please do not ever expect an abundance of possessions , if we are less concerned for others .
4 . - Please do not ever expect a big advantage , if we always calculate profit and loss in the charity .
5 . Do not ever hope against hope achieve noble life , if we liked to insult others .
Five " formula " above are just some examples . Please dear readers identify themselves further formulas , which is certainly not limited in number .

Prayer will have strength ( efficacious ) , provided that we are able to combine the above four elements namely : heart , speech , thought , and deed real . On condition we did not act contrary to the contents of the prayer . On the other hand we do good deeds for others will be efficacious prayer all the time , just if , we do it with sincerity . Level with our sincerity in the morning when " discard food waste " meaningless .

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